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Our haylage and specialist grasses are the best quality you can find

(Don't take our word for it ask our customers)

Specialist grasses

Specialist grasses

We take pride in the production of good quality horse haylage from home grown specialist grasses. We have had plenty of practice over the last 40 years of producing what we think is possibly some of the best haylage you could find, being delivered daily into large and small equestrian yards in the UK and Europe.

Original Ryegrass Mix


Made mainly from ryegrass long-term leys, possibly second cuts, occasionally good quality meadow or mature grass. Not as high in feed value as premium


Approx bale weight 300kg


Small packs of haylage

We sell "Equilage Original Ryegrass" to accommodate customers requiring small packs, e.g. for events, travelling, livery yards, schools.

Approx bale weight 20kg



Available in small conventional bales and also in large square bales. Usually ryegrass type, occasionally meadow.


First grade horse hay as well as a second grade. Priced accordingly.
We always welcome customers to check the quality before they buy.

Don't forget your pets!


We receive orders of grass and hay for domestic pets such as rabbits and guinea pigs. Please do get in touch if this is something you need and we'll be happy to give you a quote for (small) bulk orders.


Premium Ryegrass Mix


Grown by us especially for horses. Usually first cut, short term special ryegrass mixtures, high in feed value, ideal for hard working horses.

Every bale guaranteed.

Approx bale weight 300kg


Old Fashioned Meadow Hay

Traditional grasses. with flowers and herbs

Timothy & Ryegrass Mix

Timothy is higher in fibre and lower in protein, making this a high fibre mix. Short term leys to keep our pastures clean, A slower growing mix.

Approx bale weight 300kg



OSR, dust extracted & chopped. Packed into approx 20kg packs.



All types of straw available by the bale
or by the tonne.


Bulk Fodder Beet or Potatoes delivered onto Farm


Please ring our farm office for a quote.


You can also collect, but please ring first to ensure there is a loader available.

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